While keeping in mind the conflicting efficacy of patriarchy being a very complex issue for some, let me forewarn you my views will more than likely come out a tad over-simplistic; and at times suggest this unexplained phenomenon to be a human rights issue. Speaking strictly from personal experience and presenting my passionate idealogy, I think most issues associated with patriarchy are breed from socially accepted societal rules of a given region.
Not to ignore Jo’s well-presented analysis supporting her thoughts about patriarchy damages men; I will not make addressing that one issue my main focus. My beliefs stem from what I feel should be the most practical and effective solution to educate and resolve issues that surround the imblanced treatment of women. Whether it is the right to vote, marry, be educated, own businesses or the other numberous advantages that men share in their communities. This list should not be allowed to continue to rear its ugly face so that women are subjected to the mistreatment of a male dominated society in which they have little to no rights.
Not to generalize the male species as the villians of these evils but to point out obvious characterisitcs of the plight of patriarchy as an oppressive component that diminishes women and humanistic values as a whole. The trickle down effect that allows men to be the benefactors of a “good life” does not allow the same for women as human beings. Women are human beings that should be born into a world that encourages “good life.” By “good life,” I am suggesting equal opportunities/rights to make decisions about ones future, whether it is to surrender to traditional customs of her environment or be allowed to live in an environment that enriches the quality of life for everyone.
I have noticed that in the poorest societies women are treated the worst by men who would be considered destitute by men in countries that favor women’s rights. It is my opinion that these men are uncultured and reprehensible in their thinking. With saying that, my suggestion to those countries that are among the poorest—they should model other countries that are moving forward toward a “good world.”
Not done…Part III.
Aphoristic commentaries about my life & various subjects using wisdom and high spirited humor. Laugh with me.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Patriarchy Damages Men too...no really, Part I
In doing what has become a daily routine of never ending blog reading/skimming, I came across an interesting blog entry, Patriarchy Damages Men too….No Really. This entry immediately took me aback to those days as an undergraduate student attending an all girls university; The constant debate of matriarchy vs. patriarchy, professors imposing their viewpoints, female protagonist fighting to be heard, and of course, I cannot leave out the girls who simply could care less (lost girls).
As with most blog entries that I find interesting, it has become second nature to leave a commit and move to the next. However, the ideas in this blog hit home. The author and audience touched on some issues that I have not contemplated in some time and have shielded some new light on the subject.
Concomitantly, I do support some of the views Jonubian suggests; I question her intentions and aim on various statements.
Before I post my (varying) opinions on the entry, I ask that you read it for yourself and in a day or so I will hopefully present a more detailed commentary. Right now I am still chewing and spitting!
Article as follows:
Patriarchy damages men too...no really
I love Black men.
I love Black men. I think my adoration comes from dancing with my father, my feet on his, to Otis Redding records. Or possibly from my big brother always allowing me to ride shotgun, regardless of what friend of girlfriend was also riding, in his candied Monte Carlo with the booming system. It is the men in my life who remind me not to subscribe to any agenda that diminishes them. However, my love for them also mandates that I create an honest space where I can openly discuss how they hurt me, and more often themselves and our community holistically. While I understand that these conversations create apprehension, a sort of uneasiness, both in my personal and professional relationships, I still must speak. Sister Audre reminds me that my silence will not protect me, and also that we must love AND resist simultaneously in order to survive.
bell hooks, in a chapter entitled “Understanding Patriarchy” (from her book The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love) defines patriarchy as:
…a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence.
I know my mere mention of this definition alerts some men to prepare a defense. Here comes Jo with her feminist/womanist/ men stay losing talk. Not so. Although hooks defines patriarchy in respect to the way it oppresses and violates women, this post is about men- my brothers- who I hope can recognize how the boxes that allow them to dominate, control, and seem superior to others also entangle and entrap them. Khalil Gibran, in speaking of love, preaches, “For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you”(that’s another post, but WORD LIFE, Khalil). This hypothesis concerning love can also be applied to theories of sexism, misogyny and patriarchy, which is the social system that all of these behaviors are attributed to.
Patriarchy is a disease…
Patriarchy affects men so deeply, most times without them knowing, that the average man does not understand the term or its proper use. Yet, as hooks also points out, it is “the single most life-threatening social disease assaulting the male body and spirit in our nation.” Let’s pause. How can this be? How can a socio-political construct that provides men with so much privilege also threaten their health and livelihoods? Well there are volumes of books written to explore this ideal, but what sits at the center of it all is this: men, when they subscribe to traditional gender roles, are left without the ability to realize their full humanity.
Traditionally, men are raised to believe that God (who is male) created the world specifically for their use. They are born to conquer (with force) and are supposed to be as callous as stone. Men are never to be questioned, or better still to have questions. Boys don’t cry or show any emotion really- I mean not if they want to be considered a “real” boy and not some “sissy” or “faggot” (I deliberately use these belittling and offensive terms after thumbing through James Baldwin’s discussion of his encounters with sexism in his essay “Freaks and the American Ideal of Manhood”). Subsequently, women were designed by (the male) God to serve men on their quest to conquer…everything- other men, women, children, the world, the universe. Black men are especially negatively impacted by these connotations, because in many ways they are expected to be hyper-masculine.Western culture mandates that Black men are the most aggressive, dominating, and savage of all. At the same time however, Black men are often deprived of those privileges that allow them to be seen as a men- in the traditional sense of the word. Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man comes to mind when I consider this dichotomy. He writes:
I am an invisible man. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids – and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.
If such an opposition doesn’t create some sort of schizophrenia within Black men, I’m not sure what could. Our men are left to internalize this contradiction and attempt to maneuver through and around it in silence. Its and impossible feat that is killing them, inside and out.
Twitter tells no lies…
But what happens when one can not be the man society socializes him to be? A few of my twitter friends provided some exceptional insight when I asked, “How does patriarchy hurt men?” Alicia Sanchez (@aliciasanchez) sent me a link to this fantastic poster, which begins by stating, “For every girl who is tired of acting weak when she is strong, there is a boy who is tired of pretending to be strong when he feels vulnerable.” Wow. When I speak of men not being able to realize their full human potential, it begins precisely with this concept of masculinity. It is impossible for any human being to always be strong and courageous and fearless. Men though, are not allowed moments of fear, of indecision, of sadness- or even moments of extreme happiness or passion for that matter. The result of this lack of human feeling and emotion is a life of suppression, depression, and abuse towards those who are allowed to express those emotions and feelings. Lorde asserts:
Men who are afraid to feel must keep women around to do their feeling for them while dismissing us for the same supposedly “inferior” capacity to feel deeply. But in this way also, men deny themselves their own essential humanity, becoming trapped in dependency and fear.
She goes on to say that she challenges her son to fight patriarchy by not allowing him to think that she is to navigate his feelings for him. Epic. Another friend, Ndada Vaz (@cadillackitty) noted how men’s reading choices are affected by patriarchy, specifically in their not being avid readers of fiction. “… men read autobiographies, reports etc. because the emotion is removed in the ‘reporting’. in fiction emotion tends to be internal.” Hmph. What a nuanced form of oppression it is to have one’s reading habits dictated. Sure we are aware that women are told what to say and read, how to behave, what is socially acceptable and unacceptable, but we must also realize that men have the same demands placed upon them, and are none the better for it. What of the man who prefers to be an artist instead of a ball player (especially in the Black community)? Of course I know that there are Black male artists, just as there are Black female hoopers- the question is, what is the cost of the pursuit? And what happens to those men who are not strong enough to relinquish those crowns and privileges to be who they really desire to be?
I want a partnership, so should he…
Many of my male twitter friends, like Wise Naim (@wisemath) noted that patriarchy takes from men the opportunity to have true equally partnered relationships with women. I can personally attest to the reality of this issue. In many ways my ex husband was emotionally withdrawn and unavailable- not at all because he didn’t desire to be kind or caring, but because he didn’t feel that it was safe to do so, he didn’t have the tools to do it, and society told him that his wife (who is a woman) is not allowed to instruct him on how to. Additionally, other relationships that I’ve had ended because some of those men could not digest the idea that I may be more educated or earn more money than them. Traditionally, men are the providers and are supposed to be intellectually and financially superior to the women in their lives, therefore being with a woman who is smarter or more financially sound than him is deemed emasculating. Again, Black men are particularly affected by this issue because statistics show that in many cases Black women are better educated and higher paid. I sincerely believe that the fix to the many issues that Blacks face in love relationships lies in a need to shift the paradigm of traditional relationship and gender roles. Unfortunately, patriarchy does not allow for such transitions to be feasible. It’s tragic, really.
Patriarchy literally kills…
There is a much more gruesome manner in which patriarchy destroys men. It happens when this idea of dominating and killing overrides the basic decent and human characteristics that allow us to peacefully co-exist. One can consider the case of Tekerrious “T.K.” Jackson, a six year old boy who was beaten to death (over a period of weeks actually) by his father. When investigators asked Alex Duncan why (or how) he abused his son to the point of death, he replied “he was trying to discipline his child, to teach him how to “man up.”" The idea that a child is expected to be a man, and a man in a very violent and artificial manner, to the point where he loses his life is just inexplicably wretched. It may be safe to say that Duncan was repeating behavior that he himself was subjected to as a child and as an adult. Either way, a child is dead and another child (or possibly children) will undoubtedly grow up without a father.
We all lose when the mental disease of patriarchy inhibits us from reaching our full potential. The foremost quote in this post from Audre Lorde prescribes a solution to the dilemma we face. We simply have to raise our sons to be the men we want our daughters to live among. As women, we owe it to the men in our lives to address patriarchy at its core and explain that they don’t have to subscribe to the associated social mandates that are meant for their demise. Additionally, we must halt our own (often unchecked) perpetuation of patriarchy when we deal with men. As men, you have to be strong enough to be honest about who you are and demand your full humanity- to claim an existence that allows you to face disappointment, and hurt, and laughter, and love without feeling that those things make you unmanly. We just need to become better people. Period.
In closing, Lorde wrote this about raising her son:
The strongest lesson I can teach my son is the same lesson I teach my daughter: how to be who he wishes to be for himself…And this means how to move to that voice from within himself, rather than to those raucous, persuasive, or threatening voices from outside, pressuring him to be what the world wants him to be.
We all need healing. In the words of our African ancestors: Ase, let it come, let it be so.
As with most blog entries that I find interesting, it has become second nature to leave a commit and move to the next. However, the ideas in this blog hit home. The author and audience touched on some issues that I have not contemplated in some time and have shielded some new light on the subject.
Concomitantly, I do support some of the views Jonubian suggests; I question her intentions and aim on various statements.
Before I post my (varying) opinions on the entry, I ask that you read it for yourself and in a day or so I will hopefully present a more detailed commentary. Right now I am still chewing and spitting!
Article as follows:
Patriarchy damages men too...no really
I love Black men.
I love Black men. I think my adoration comes from dancing with my father, my feet on his, to Otis Redding records. Or possibly from my big brother always allowing me to ride shotgun, regardless of what friend of girlfriend was also riding, in his candied Monte Carlo with the booming system. It is the men in my life who remind me not to subscribe to any agenda that diminishes them. However, my love for them also mandates that I create an honest space where I can openly discuss how they hurt me, and more often themselves and our community holistically. While I understand that these conversations create apprehension, a sort of uneasiness, both in my personal and professional relationships, I still must speak. Sister Audre reminds me that my silence will not protect me, and also that we must love AND resist simultaneously in order to survive.
bell hooks, in a chapter entitled “Understanding Patriarchy” (from her book The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love) defines patriarchy as:
…a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence.
I know my mere mention of this definition alerts some men to prepare a defense. Here comes Jo with her feminist/womanist/ men stay losing talk. Not so. Although hooks defines patriarchy in respect to the way it oppresses and violates women, this post is about men- my brothers- who I hope can recognize how the boxes that allow them to dominate, control, and seem superior to others also entangle and entrap them. Khalil Gibran, in speaking of love, preaches, “For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you”(that’s another post, but WORD LIFE, Khalil). This hypothesis concerning love can also be applied to theories of sexism, misogyny and patriarchy, which is the social system that all of these behaviors are attributed to.
Patriarchy is a disease…
Patriarchy affects men so deeply, most times without them knowing, that the average man does not understand the term or its proper use. Yet, as hooks also points out, it is “the single most life-threatening social disease assaulting the male body and spirit in our nation.” Let’s pause. How can this be? How can a socio-political construct that provides men with so much privilege also threaten their health and livelihoods? Well there are volumes of books written to explore this ideal, but what sits at the center of it all is this: men, when they subscribe to traditional gender roles, are left without the ability to realize their full humanity.
Traditionally, men are raised to believe that God (who is male) created the world specifically for their use. They are born to conquer (with force) and are supposed to be as callous as stone. Men are never to be questioned, or better still to have questions. Boys don’t cry or show any emotion really- I mean not if they want to be considered a “real” boy and not some “sissy” or “faggot” (I deliberately use these belittling and offensive terms after thumbing through James Baldwin’s discussion of his encounters with sexism in his essay “Freaks and the American Ideal of Manhood”). Subsequently, women were designed by (the male) God to serve men on their quest to conquer…everything- other men, women, children, the world, the universe. Black men are especially negatively impacted by these connotations, because in many ways they are expected to be hyper-masculine.Western culture mandates that Black men are the most aggressive, dominating, and savage of all. At the same time however, Black men are often deprived of those privileges that allow them to be seen as a men- in the traditional sense of the word. Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man comes to mind when I consider this dichotomy. He writes:
I am an invisible man. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids – and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.
If such an opposition doesn’t create some sort of schizophrenia within Black men, I’m not sure what could. Our men are left to internalize this contradiction and attempt to maneuver through and around it in silence. Its and impossible feat that is killing them, inside and out.
Twitter tells no lies…
But what happens when one can not be the man society socializes him to be? A few of my twitter friends provided some exceptional insight when I asked, “How does patriarchy hurt men?” Alicia Sanchez (@aliciasanchez) sent me a link to this fantastic poster, which begins by stating, “For every girl who is tired of acting weak when she is strong, there is a boy who is tired of pretending to be strong when he feels vulnerable.” Wow. When I speak of men not being able to realize their full human potential, it begins precisely with this concept of masculinity. It is impossible for any human being to always be strong and courageous and fearless. Men though, are not allowed moments of fear, of indecision, of sadness- or even moments of extreme happiness or passion for that matter. The result of this lack of human feeling and emotion is a life of suppression, depression, and abuse towards those who are allowed to express those emotions and feelings. Lorde asserts:
Men who are afraid to feel must keep women around to do their feeling for them while dismissing us for the same supposedly “inferior” capacity to feel deeply. But in this way also, men deny themselves their own essential humanity, becoming trapped in dependency and fear.
She goes on to say that she challenges her son to fight patriarchy by not allowing him to think that she is to navigate his feelings for him. Epic. Another friend, Ndada Vaz (@cadillackitty) noted how men’s reading choices are affected by patriarchy, specifically in their not being avid readers of fiction. “… men read autobiographies, reports etc. because the emotion is removed in the ‘reporting’. in fiction emotion tends to be internal.” Hmph. What a nuanced form of oppression it is to have one’s reading habits dictated. Sure we are aware that women are told what to say and read, how to behave, what is socially acceptable and unacceptable, but we must also realize that men have the same demands placed upon them, and are none the better for it. What of the man who prefers to be an artist instead of a ball player (especially in the Black community)? Of course I know that there are Black male artists, just as there are Black female hoopers- the question is, what is the cost of the pursuit? And what happens to those men who are not strong enough to relinquish those crowns and privileges to be who they really desire to be?
I want a partnership, so should he…
Many of my male twitter friends, like Wise Naim (@wisemath) noted that patriarchy takes from men the opportunity to have true equally partnered relationships with women. I can personally attest to the reality of this issue. In many ways my ex husband was emotionally withdrawn and unavailable- not at all because he didn’t desire to be kind or caring, but because he didn’t feel that it was safe to do so, he didn’t have the tools to do it, and society told him that his wife (who is a woman) is not allowed to instruct him on how to. Additionally, other relationships that I’ve had ended because some of those men could not digest the idea that I may be more educated or earn more money than them. Traditionally, men are the providers and are supposed to be intellectually and financially superior to the women in their lives, therefore being with a woman who is smarter or more financially sound than him is deemed emasculating. Again, Black men are particularly affected by this issue because statistics show that in many cases Black women are better educated and higher paid. I sincerely believe that the fix to the many issues that Blacks face in love relationships lies in a need to shift the paradigm of traditional relationship and gender roles. Unfortunately, patriarchy does not allow for such transitions to be feasible. It’s tragic, really.
Patriarchy literally kills…
There is a much more gruesome manner in which patriarchy destroys men. It happens when this idea of dominating and killing overrides the basic decent and human characteristics that allow us to peacefully co-exist. One can consider the case of Tekerrious “T.K.” Jackson, a six year old boy who was beaten to death (over a period of weeks actually) by his father. When investigators asked Alex Duncan why (or how) he abused his son to the point of death, he replied “he was trying to discipline his child, to teach him how to “man up.”" The idea that a child is expected to be a man, and a man in a very violent and artificial manner, to the point where he loses his life is just inexplicably wretched. It may be safe to say that Duncan was repeating behavior that he himself was subjected to as a child and as an adult. Either way, a child is dead and another child (or possibly children) will undoubtedly grow up without a father.
We all lose when the mental disease of patriarchy inhibits us from reaching our full potential. The foremost quote in this post from Audre Lorde prescribes a solution to the dilemma we face. We simply have to raise our sons to be the men we want our daughters to live among. As women, we owe it to the men in our lives to address patriarchy at its core and explain that they don’t have to subscribe to the associated social mandates that are meant for their demise. Additionally, we must halt our own (often unchecked) perpetuation of patriarchy when we deal with men. As men, you have to be strong enough to be honest about who you are and demand your full humanity- to claim an existence that allows you to face disappointment, and hurt, and laughter, and love without feeling that those things make you unmanly. We just need to become better people. Period.
In closing, Lorde wrote this about raising her son:
The strongest lesson I can teach my son is the same lesson I teach my daughter: how to be who he wishes to be for himself…And this means how to move to that voice from within himself, rather than to those raucous, persuasive, or threatening voices from outside, pressuring him to be what the world wants him to be.
We all need healing. In the words of our African ancestors: Ase, let it come, let it be so.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Part I of Something Unexpected
“Rat poison should do the trick—it’s less detective,” Norah sighs as she slams down the receiver and leans against the wall fighting back tears.
Shelia, one of her closest and dearest girlfriends just informed her that she saw Norah’s husband enjoying the company of another woman at the Cabana Ultra Lounge last night in downtown Sacramento.
“She was tall, wearing a wavy wig. Thirty-five or so. I true believe. He was buying her champagne and showing her off to some business partners from work. Believe me—I would not tell you these things if I did not see them with my own eyes.”
Shelia pauses and Norah draws a deep breath—releases the air real fast.
“Are you sure Shelia, are you sure it was my Jason?”
“Of course it was HIM! I told you I saw him with my own true eyes God blessed me with. Girlfriend ‘dis is God’s honest truth. The only detail I failed to mention is that the Tall woman spoke with an unfamiliar accent. Maaaaaaaaay-be, (she drags the “a” as though in thought) from some island in the West Indies. I bet she is an illegal immigrant or something along those lines.”
“Okay girl, I believe you” Norah says.
She pictures the Tall woman Shelia just described; wavy wig and foreign accent.
“I thought it was important that I tell you. That’s what friends do. Now I feel terrible because I should have come over to tell you in person. I am sorry. Please let me know if I can do anything…….and one more thing, (she puts extra emphasis on one) do not tell Jason it was me who told you about the affair. You know how men get. I have done enough ALL-ready.” Shelia says loudly.
She walks back into the bedroom. The one she has only shared with her husband. Lies across their queen size bed. Jason never wanted to get a king size, because he said, “I fear it will make us grow apart—too much space is not good to sustain a healthy marriage.”
Lately, Jason has been working a lot of overtime at the office and getting home well after 11 P.M. on most nights. But he is always sure to call Norah and tell her “not to wait up,” and he always end the telephone conversation with “I love you dear.”
Norah now imagines Jason in the lounge with the Tall woman with the wavy wig and strange probably West Indian accent. She imagines the way he sucks her neck when they are making love, because he knows that is her weakest spot. Norah slowly turns over and looks up at the ceiling. Looking back at her is her own reflection. Jason had a ceiling- mirror installed when they first moved into their house. He decided that Greater Sacramento, Carmichael’s upscale mostly pale faced neighbor would be the perfect location to raise a family. The only problem, they have been living in the perfect home for nearly 4 years; and still, no children.
Secretly, not having any children upset Norah. She had not taken birth control for well over three years. She and Jason had been desperately trying to conceive for the past two. After the first year of trying to conceive and still no luck, Norah went to see her gynecologist to have infertility testing without Jason ever knowing. The results of the test were negative. The doctor even said her egg count was well within normal range for a woman her age and reassured her that she was in perfect health. However, the doctor did suggest Jason come in for testing. Norah knew she would not be able to convince her husband to visit a fertility clinic; just the thought of it would insult his manhood. So she put the possibilities of that becoming a reality far to the back of her mind as she did with many things these days.
Norah flashes back to the very first time she and Jason met. It was right after a breakup with her ex-boyfriend, Kevin. She was on an all girls’ vacation to the New Jersey Shore. As she was struggling to unload her designer Diane Von Furstenburg luggage, she looked over her shoulder and noticed a tall, premium Brazilian coffee colored skinned, well-defined features, thick eyebrows man with a smooth stride heading her way. He hurriedly ran over, grabbed Norah’s bags at the same time saying “let me get those for you.” Before Norah could turn down his help, he already had a bag in each hand.
Shelia, one of her closest and dearest girlfriends just informed her that she saw Norah’s husband enjoying the company of another woman at the Cabana Ultra Lounge last night in downtown Sacramento.
“She was tall, wearing a wavy wig. Thirty-five or so. I true believe. He was buying her champagne and showing her off to some business partners from work. Believe me—I would not tell you these things if I did not see them with my own eyes.”
Shelia pauses and Norah draws a deep breath—releases the air real fast.
“Are you sure Shelia, are you sure it was my Jason?”
“Of course it was HIM! I told you I saw him with my own true eyes God blessed me with. Girlfriend ‘dis is God’s honest truth. The only detail I failed to mention is that the Tall woman spoke with an unfamiliar accent. Maaaaaaaaay-be, (she drags the “a” as though in thought) from some island in the West Indies. I bet she is an illegal immigrant or something along those lines.”
“Okay girl, I believe you” Norah says.
She pictures the Tall woman Shelia just described; wavy wig and foreign accent.
“I thought it was important that I tell you. That’s what friends do. Now I feel terrible because I should have come over to tell you in person. I am sorry. Please let me know if I can do anything…….and one more thing, (she puts extra emphasis on one) do not tell Jason it was me who told you about the affair. You know how men get. I have done enough ALL-ready.” Shelia says loudly.
She walks back into the bedroom. The one she has only shared with her husband. Lies across their queen size bed. Jason never wanted to get a king size, because he said, “I fear it will make us grow apart—too much space is not good to sustain a healthy marriage.”
Lately, Jason has been working a lot of overtime at the office and getting home well after 11 P.M. on most nights. But he is always sure to call Norah and tell her “not to wait up,” and he always end the telephone conversation with “I love you dear.”
Norah now imagines Jason in the lounge with the Tall woman with the wavy wig and strange probably West Indian accent. She imagines the way he sucks her neck when they are making love, because he knows that is her weakest spot. Norah slowly turns over and looks up at the ceiling. Looking back at her is her own reflection. Jason had a ceiling- mirror installed when they first moved into their house. He decided that Greater Sacramento, Carmichael’s upscale mostly pale faced neighbor would be the perfect location to raise a family. The only problem, they have been living in the perfect home for nearly 4 years; and still, no children.
Secretly, not having any children upset Norah. She had not taken birth control for well over three years. She and Jason had been desperately trying to conceive for the past two. After the first year of trying to conceive and still no luck, Norah went to see her gynecologist to have infertility testing without Jason ever knowing. The results of the test were negative. The doctor even said her egg count was well within normal range for a woman her age and reassured her that she was in perfect health. However, the doctor did suggest Jason come in for testing. Norah knew she would not be able to convince her husband to visit a fertility clinic; just the thought of it would insult his manhood. So she put the possibilities of that becoming a reality far to the back of her mind as she did with many things these days.
Norah flashes back to the very first time she and Jason met. It was right after a breakup with her ex-boyfriend, Kevin. She was on an all girls’ vacation to the New Jersey Shore. As she was struggling to unload her designer Diane Von Furstenburg luggage, she looked over her shoulder and noticed a tall, premium Brazilian coffee colored skinned, well-defined features, thick eyebrows man with a smooth stride heading her way. He hurriedly ran over, grabbed Norah’s bags at the same time saying “let me get those for you.” Before Norah could turn down his help, he already had a bag in each hand.
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