Just as the title suggest, life is funny. I say funny because I have had
many unexpected things to happen to me since I last visited my blog
(still trying to get this thing right, or at least make some sense of it).
With my fair share of ups and downs (lucky for me, more ups than
downs); It is time I revisit those pesky downs and of course
acknowledge some of the good fortunes that have befallen upon me.
So, here goes......
It is funny how getting out of a 14-year relationship has made me feel
like I have accomplished something heroic. Don’t get me wrong; I am in no way saying it was easy. Believe me, the emotional song and dance was enough to make anyone go insane. After all of that played out, that's when the blessings came (I'll
tell you all about the “blessing” later).
“Oh, the lessons.” One very important thing I learned is to put all of my faith in God and believe there is no problem too big or too small he can't fix. Sounds easy, right? Well it wasn’t. There were moments of bitterness, hatred and even some revengeful thoughts. However, the moment I decided to let go and let God; I was then able to receive his blessings.
Life’s funny that way, you have to go through trials and tribulations (bump your head hard enough) to get to the lesson.
Well, there is someone new (the blessing).
My, my, my, Life’s funny that way, out with the old and in with the new.
P.S. My next posting will be all about the new!
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