It is quite disappointing to know that American Public School students’ must have a signed parent consent form to view President Obama’s Back-to-School Speech.
America….., I respect the fact that each individual has the right to disagree with our President’s course of actions when it comes to taxes, defense, agriculture, laws, and so forth; But to unashamedly refuse your child the privilege to listen to our President’s Address, just because you do not see eye-to-eye with him on various issues, is simply unacceptable. Especially when American Public Schools are performing at an all time low in comparison to other countries. Need I remind you, we rank 25th among industrial nations in math and science. There is a problem, right?
In order for our children to compete on a global level they must be given each and every opportunity to be challenged to rise to the academic occasion. Our children are in desperate need of people who are in positions of power to help prepare them to be future leaders of America. I ask, “Who is in a more leading position than President Obama to steer our children in the right direction?” “No one!”
I firmly believe President Obama when he says, “Change we can believe in.” In my opinion, it is well past time for us to start supporting our President and allow him to be the catalyst that will bring much needed positive change to our failing school systems.
In closing, I refuse to believe that parents are not allowing their children to view President Obama’s speech because of his race, religion or political views, so I will not make use of that card. However, I do know that parents are well aware that there is a problem with the quality of education their children are receiving and we must address the matter now.
A time for change is now! Thank you Mr. President, and I look forward to listening to your speech tomorrow.
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