Thursday, December 30, 2010

Life After Undergraduate School

Today I had a rather interesting conversation with my little brother, Trinton 21, who is on winter break from university. Although I have four other brothers that I love dearly, my little brother and I share added common interest when it comes to social issues, literature, current events and other matters of life.
It is nothing like having a thought-provoking conversation with someone who respects the unwritten rules of dialogue. I say that to say, as Trint and I played catch-up and exchanged ideas, I couldn’t help but to notice how grounded, accurate, and self-assured he has become in asserting his viewpoints.  It is probably fair to presume being a theater major (grad spring 2011) has developed him into the young man that debated for three hours with me today. 
As we continued discussing various topics, he apprehensively mentions his plans for after graduation (travel, working, & school). Of course, me being big sis suggested graduate school. After all, he revealed to me on Thanksgiving that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is offering him a free ride to attend their graduate drama program. While I gave him countless reasons why graduate school would be a good choice, nevertheless I could tell from his demeanor that he has his heart set on New York. 
In my heart of hearts I know why NYC is so appealing to Trint…..because I remember not so long ago the Big Apple held promising possibilities for me.
Life in the city that never sleeps.

In the words of Alicia Keys,
In New York,
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There’s nothing you can’t do,
Now you’re in New York,
these streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
lets hear it for New York, New York, New York!

Shine on Trint, life’s what you make it!

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