Monday, February 24, 2014

To Artina

I will take your heart
I will take your soul out of your body
as though I were God.
I will not be satisfied
with the touch of your hand
nor the sweet of your lips alone.
I will take your heart for mine.
I will take your soul.
I will be God when it comes to you.

-Langston Hughes

Monday, February 17, 2014

Eat, Pray & Love

I have to be reminded that with love it's still two people trying to get along, so it's going to be complicated. And love is always complicated. One must try to love each other, daring. We must get our hearts broken sometimes. A good sign, having a broken heart. Means we have tried for something.

With age comes maturity and wisdom; however, the power of love remains the same. 

Life, T.  

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Happy Looks Good on Me

Smiling like a silly school girl when he calls.


Heart skips a beat

Happy looks

Melts my heart

Happy looks good

Long for his touch

Happy looks good on me!

Silly me. Life.