Saturday, June 06, 2009

Real Drama, Part III

“Ring, Ring, Ring.”
Who could this be at 1:30 in the morning?
Oooh….I hope it’s my baby Danny.
Trying to wake up and reaching for the phone, I say “hellow” in the most pleasant apologetic tone I could muster up.
Before going to bed, I downed two sleeping pills to help me sleep (so I could take my mind off the events that occurred earlier).
“Hello,” I said softly.
Before I could get it out a voice on the other end interrupted me saying “Ms. Befoe.”
“I need to speak with Nicolette Befoe.”
“Ms. Befoe, I am the nurse on call tonight at John Hopkins Smith Medical Center and I am calling you because Daniel Badell has been in an accident.”
“An Accident!”
“Is he alright?”
“What happened?”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Immediately, my heart was filled with remorse as my stomach became nauseated and disgustedly jaded because I knew what ever had happened was my fault.
The nurse continued to explain that Daniel had suffered some major head trauma and that he was unconscious. They were running a number of tests on him. She also mentioned that his blood alcohol level was well above the legal driving limit.
They contacted me because I was the I.C.E (in case of emergency) number they got from his phone.
After hanging up the phone I got dressed and rushed to the hospital. When I got there, the nurse who had phoned me about the accident told me that the doctor was in with Daniel and no one would be allowed in the room until they could stabilize his blood pressure.
When the doctor finally came out the room, he told me that Daniel was in pretty bad shape and they would be doing everything to help him pull through; but it did not look promising.
I then asked the nurse for his personal belongings. I looked through his contacts list on his phone to get his mother’s phone number. I did not know how I was going to tell her about Daniel’s accident and that he was in critical condition. So I decided to have the nurse explain to his mother about the accident and the seriousness of his condition.
By this time, it was 3:30 A.M., the nurse told her that I was in the family waiting room and Mrs. Badell wanted to speak to me. I was a nervous wreck.
“Nicolette what happened?” “Were you with him?” “Have you spoke with doctor?’
“No mame, I was not with him and I spoke with the doctor.”
“Well, what did the doctor say?” “Laud, Laud Jesus, please tell me he said Danny was going to be okay.”
“Well, Ms. Badell, he suffered some major head injuries and the doctors are trying to do everything they can for him, right now (crying), right now they don’t know whether he’ll pull out,” I explained.
“Laud, Naul, not my Danny, he is a good man, why did this have to happen to my baby?” “My Baby.” “Laud , Laud.”
I tried to assure Mrs. Badell that I would make sure the doctors would do everything possible and that I would call her as soon as I heard any updates from the doctor.
Finally, she calmed down and said she would be on the first plane in the morning.

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